
Ok, let’s start it simple. I’ve never been great at journal/blogging but I’ll give it a go to give you a peek into what I’m doing when I’m not working on the site and my thoughts on what series I pick to do pages on. Like right now instead of working on pages for the avalanche of titles coming in April or updating this week’s episodes, I’m doing this. Is it a great idea? No probably not because I still haven’t found a balance between watching BL and working on these various projects and yet I’ve added another project.

I kind of fell into doing this as an extension of posting on Reddit r/boyslove and my spreadsheet of where to watch shows. MDL has a lot of great info and World of BL is great for finding where to watch shows but none of them were tracking socials, music, source material, or physical releases. While I could care less about socials, to be honest, I do often track down the rest of the info on shows I like. I’m still tweaking things and figuring out the easiest and best way to do things, so there is still inconsistency in the website but I think I’ve gotten most things figured out. I didn’t expect that each page would be a time sink of 4+ hours but, I’m slowly finding some shortcuts.

I’ve also taken on yet another side project over at separate from this one. While this is the legit up-and-up site, that one is more of the gray area one. Although the past couple of weeks I’ve been slowly getting things set up there as well. I’m hoping to tempt a few fansubbers with the boxset extras or one of the unsubbed movies I have 😛

As for BL I just finished Please Teach Me. I’m not a KBL groupy they tend to be a hit or miss with me but this one was a hit. It is absolutely criminal what they have done with it dividing it up into 64 parts. I get the short form format but this isn’t that. Each episode isn’t its own thing it is a movie cut up into parts to sell to people so they won’t know how much they are spending to watch it. I don’t mind paying the money but I very much mind the break minute for a new episode it puts me out of the show and irritates me to no end.

I won’t talk much about it since most people haven’t gotten a chance to watch it all. It is cute and sweet but has a darker turn and a twist towards the end that I really liked. I recommend people go watch it. I’m not a fan of the video aspect it is shot in and the way it is divided but the story and actors made me forget about that compely.

I’m thinking of adding a buying guide to the site on physical release with English subtitles at some point as well. But first I need to get all the new series pages done and finish off Blueming’s page that I’ve started but haven’t finished yet.

  • Mood


  • Music

    アプデライフ by FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBE from Ossan no Pants ga Nandatte Ii Janai ka! series

  • Location

    Lounging in bed

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